John Bromfield Society
Dedicated to a beautiful and historic Newburyport
Brick Sidewalks
Brick Standards
Sidewalk Design Guidelines
and Existing Practices
Sidewalks form the backbone of the pedestrian transportation network. According to the Institute of Transportation Engineers, Technical Council Committee 5A-5 (1998), sidewalks "reduce the incidence of pedestrian collisions, injuries, and deaths in residential areas and along two-lane roadways." Without sidewalks, public rights-of-way are inaccessible to all pedestrians, including people with disabilities. When sidewalks are not available, pedestrians are forced to share the street with motorists, access to public transportation is restricted, and children might not have safe play areas. Because Federal regulations do not require agencies to build sidewalks, the decision is left to States and local agencies. Some agencies prioritize sidewalk installation, while others do not.
Accessible pedestrian facilities should be considered part of every new public right-of-way project where pedestrians are permitted. Sidewalk installation and the linking of pedestrian routes to transportation stops and major corridors should always be a priority. The decision to install sidewalks should not be optional. "Sidewalks should be built and maintained in all urban areas, along non-Interstate public highway rights-of-way, in commercial areas where the public is invited, and between all commercial transportation stops and public areas" (Institute of Transportation Engineers, Technical Council Committee 5A-5, 1998). This chapter examines the elements and characteristics of sidewalks that have the greatest impact on access. These characteristics include grade, cross-slope, and the design of specific elements such as curb ramps, driveway crossings, and intersections.
The City has initiated the following sidewalk specifications which will be presented in a public hearing for citizen's input and then vetted through city council for final approval:
Sidewalk Specifications June 2015