John Bromfield Society
Dedicated to a beautiful and historic Newburyport

About Us

The John Bromfield Society is presently a citizen's political advocacy​ group seeking to reshape Newburyport to maximum effect when it comes to Heritage Tourism. In this city, that means infrastructure. It is the aesthetic beauty and historicity of our city that has made us a highly desired place to visit.. Our downtown and historic neighborhoods though do much more than attract people from all over the world. Our city has become known as a place that possesses a high quality of life.
Plans are to advocate, educate and promote brick sidewalks, street trees, historic houses and colonial street lighting.
Enhancements to our current historic infrastructure will not only attract more guests, but it will also increase the current resident's equity, property values and quality of life.
Plans are in the future to attain 501(c)3 status to enable fundraising and maintain a financing board.